The Day After in Gaza
A comprehensive roadmap for the ‘day after’ in the Gaza Strip with suggested principles for Israel's strategy and policy.
July - September 2024
Israel's Interest
A video series from our experts outlining Israel's interests in the current realities.
Commanders for Israel's Security
"Commanders for Israel's Security" (CIS) is a non-partisan movement comprising over three-hundred retired IDF generals as well as Shin Bet, Mossad, and Israel Police equivalents united in their commitment to Israel's future as a strong, Jewish democracy. CIS is convinced that advancing Israeli separation from the Palestinians into two states, as part of a regional initiative, is the best way to achieve this goal.
Our Goals
Israel's Security Comes First
Advocate to halt moves that may harm Israel's security and the chances of advancing separation toward a two-state solution, and encourage measures that will improve the chances of realizing the proposed Israeli initiative.
Present a Separation Plan
To present decision-makers a plan for the implementation of civil separation from the Palestinians which will prepare the ground for a future two-state solution.
Convince the Public
Expand public support for the need to ensure Israel's future as the home of the Jewish people, in the spirit of the principles and values in the Declaration of Independence, as well as the securing of a solid Jewish majority for generations.
Educate and Inform
The public and decision-makers of the need to ensure the future of Israel as the safe and democratic state of the Jewish people, governed by the values of the Declaration of Independence
Security-Policy Reports
Over the years, Commanders for Israel's Security has developed a selection of policy proposals aimed at upgrading security, advancing separation from the Palestinians, maintaining the ability to reach an agreement with the Palestinians on a regional basis, and preventing destructive unilateral measures.
Media and Opinion
June 8, 2021
What a Single Match can do
Recent events have converged to disabuse two illusions about Israeli security: the idea…
May 19, 2021
Red Lines for a Cease Fire
The IDF has not been complacent. Its performance has been impressive, but the political…